Comments on: How Long Should You Use a Piece of Clothing for the Purchase to be Sustainable? Making Better Choices Together Sun, 25 Apr 2021 20:40:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Annukka Kivela Mon, 28 Dec 2020 07:20:26 +0000 ]]> Great example of how we don’t think how many times we wear things and how it’s actually More expensive sometimes to buy fast fashion.
I would add though that how and why we buy clothes is very important to think as well. If we go to The shops with a certain piece in our heads we’re More likely to not buy things on a whim.
Good read 😃

By: Bonnie Tue, 08 Dec 2020 00:13:12 +0000 In reply to Bumbles.

Thanks Bumbles, yeah I don’t believe I’ve bought any new jeans now for well over a year. In fact I did an extreme clear out recently and gave away a lot of items to my local charity shop. I hope someone else will get the use out of them that I haven’t

By: Bumbles Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:46:15 +0000 I love how you bring this issue to light 🙂 personally I tend to wear things out when I purchase them. I’m pretty sure that the last pair of trousers I brought has been worn at least once every 3 days for over a year. You can always buy second hand clothing too and clear out your wardrobe of items that you don’t wear and sell them to someone else who might wear them more if you nolonger have use for them.
