So you want to find shoes that are good for the planet. Thank you! 20 billion shoes are produced each year– releasing a huge amount of greenhouse gas into our atmosphere in the process. Plus, material for shoes is often manufactured with toxic chemicals that leech into our environment. But it is possible to find shoes that are eco-friendly.

Finding Eco-Friendly Shoes
Here’s what to do:
1. Avoid leather
You probably already know that producing beef is bad for the environment. Well, all the factors that make beef harmful to the environment– the production of greenhouse gases, the destruction of rainforests– are present in leather production, too.
Plus, toxic chemicals from the tanning process end up in our water supplies.
Leather is so commonly used in our clothing and shoes that we may not even realize it’s there. But there are lots of alternatives to leather that are still cute and comfortable. (More on that soon!)
2. Watch out for cotton
Okay, cotton is incredibly common in all types of apparel, and cutting it out of your wardrobe may not really be an option.
But it’s important to know that cotton production also uses a whole lot of harmful chemicals and pesticides, which then end up– you guessed it!– contaminating our air and water.
So when you can get organic cotton (which takes half the energy to produce, using no toxic chemicals in the process) do it.
3. Don’t throw away your shoes!
Here’s a wild statistic for you: there are 300 million kids around the world who have never owned a pair of shoes.
Yep, you read that right. And guess how many shoes Americans alone throw away each year? 300 million pairs. Problem, meet your solution.
Donate your shoes to organizations that will help them find good homes.
There are also great shoe recycling initiatives — find one in your community. Don’t let those shoes end up in a landfill (where they’ll take decades to decompose) instead of on the feet of someone who needs them.
If you’re able, you may want to consider spending more money for a pair of shoes that will last you longer, rather than buying a cheap pair that could fall apart on you, prompting you to throw them away, buy another pair, and continue this harmful cycle.
Eco-Friendly Brands
So anyway, now that you know some specific ways to reduce your environmental FOOTprint (Get it? Get it?… Okay, I’ll stop) here are our recommendations for some great brands for eco-friendly shoes.
But will they be cute, you ask? OF COURSE THEY WILL, MAMA. We’d never let you leave the house looking like a mess!

Here are five companies offering stylish, eco-friendly women’s shoes.
Everlane offers a ton of different women’s styles– from sneakers to heels to boots fit for a night on the town.
Make sure to check the materials, because some of their shoes are made from leather, but this company is seriously committed to being ethical, transparent, and environmentally sustainable.
They won’t work with factories that don’t meet their sustainability and ethics standards, and they’re committed to making their shoes with recycled materials; using less energy and producing less waste than their competitors in the process.
Plus, they offset the carbon emissions that they don’t eliminate.
Rafa is a great option if you’re looking for beautiful shoes that are 100% animal-product free — plus, they’re made right in Los Angeles, and you can read about each artisan involved in the creation process.
Rafa offers sandals, boots, flats, and heels.
These shoes are definitely more expensive, so they may not be a viable option for everyone.
But if you’re able to splurge and you want a great quality pair of shoes from a company that exemplifies sustainability, Rafa is the place for you.
Reformation offers a wide range of seriously fashionable shoes.
Committed to sustainability and transparency, Reformation makes all of their products in Los Angeles.
They offer factory tours every single week so that customers can be assured that their clothing is being made ethically and responsibly.
You can also read about all of their workers online.
Reformation’s mission is to make sustainable fashion available to everyone.
They even release a detailed report about all of their practices so that you can get all the information you need to know that your purchases are good for the planet.
Armour Vert
Amour Vert have sandals, sneakers, heels, boots — and an impressive commitment to protecting the environment.
They use sustainable materials, produce their apparel in California using ethical practices, and hey, we know you’re here for shoes, but if you buy a T-shirt, they’ll plant a tree.
They provide detailed information about their factory, their practices, and all the materials they use on their website. Transparency is key, y’all.
soleRebels is an Ethiopian-owned and operated business based in Addis Ababa.
They’re committed to putting their workers first– offering much higher pay than their competitors, and creating great jobs for their community. And soleRebels products are sustainably produced, with a low carbon footprint.
They celebrate the unique cultural arts of Ethiopia by combining traditional craft with contemporary style, creating truly beautiful, special shoes.
Check out their vegan section, too.

Finding sustainably-sourced, ethical shoes doesn’t have to be hard!
And you don’t have to sacrifice your personal style, either.
Now when your friends compliment your new kicks, you can say, “And they’re environmentally friendly, too!”
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